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I can't hear anything/ my audio doesn't work!

Every now and then the reason for a missing audio is very simple and can be fixed easily by checking the three things explained below.

On mobile

Check if it is enabled in three places:

  • The Sound toggle under “Settings”.

    Lingvist settings audio mobile

  • Your phone (the hardware – if you have a mute button)
  • On the volume control (make sure it isn’t reduced to zero)

On our web app

Check if it is enabled in two places:

  • The Audio setting on the left side, as shown below:

lingvist web audio settings

  • Your computer/ speakers (the hardware)

If you’ve made sure that it is enabled everywhere but there is still no sound, check your Internet connection. Audio may go missing in case of a slow or unstable Internet connection.

Finally, if you’ve checked all of the aforementioned and the audio is still missing, it is most likely a bug. Please shoot us an email and share with us the following:

  • Is the audio missing everywhere on the app (cards, Challenges, going one card back)?
  • Does the audio go missing after a while or right away?
  • Does the audio come back if you restart the app?
  • Does the audio come back if you use headphones?

Unless you are sending an email from the app, please list your app version (Account, scroll down), your device type (desktop/ iOS/ Android), and where you are using the app (mobile app or a browser > name, version).

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