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Five Reasons to Learn Spanish

by Aubrie Amstutz | Aug 8, 2019 | Learn-spanish

Need some motivation to start learning Spanish? Here are 5 reasons why Spanish should be your second language!

Mein Nerdy Hobby

by Cyrus Numati | Jul 31, 2019 | Case-studies

Read about how Lingvist opened up German for Cyrus, one of our learners who has seen all of the German words Lingvist currently has to offer!

Spanish-Speaking Countries

by Aubrie Amstutz | Jun 11, 2019

Spanish is the second most spoken language and is the official language of 20 countries. Learn more about all of these Spanish-speaking countries.

How to Memorize Vocabulary Fast with Course Wizard

by Aubrie Amstutz | Jun 6, 2019 | Learn

Utilize the following strategies along with Lingvist’s Course Wizard so you can easily memorize vocabulary fast in your target language!

Russian Verbs of Motion

by Marina | Apr 20, 2019 | Learn-russian

Confused about Russian verbs of motion? Marina breaks down the different Russian verbs вести, водить, везти, and возить.

Vote for What Language We Should Do Next!

by Hilary | Mar 20, 2019 | Learn

What language should we focus on next at Lingvist? We want to hear from you! Vote on the language pair we should focus on next.

Spanish Idioms

by Aubrie Amstutz | Mar 10, 2019 | Learn-spanish

Spanish idioms are often figures of speech and won’t make sense if you translate them word-for-word. Learn several common Spanish idioms and how to use them!

New Love Courses Released

by Hilary | Feb 12, 2019 | New

Want to learn to express your love in French, Spanish or English? Then you will be excited to hear about the new love focus courses we released to increase your romantic vocabulary!

Lingvist Inspires Love

by Hilary | Jan 11, 2019 | New

Lingvist was recently featured in, as a way to help people become more desirable and find love in the world.

Top Mistakes to Avoid When Learning Spanish

by Javier | Dec 20, 2018 | Learn-spanish

Learning Spanish? Check out these mistakes most learners make, so you can avoid them and sound more like a native Spanish speaker!

Spanish-English Short Stories

by Hilary | Nov 22, 2018 | Learn-spanish

Discover a list of short stories in Spanish which have the English translations next to them. These are a great way to help you learn Spanish!

Spanish Listening Exercises

by Hilary | Nov 20, 2018 | Learn-spanish

Looking to improve your Spanish listening comprehension? These websites will give you access to free listening exercises in Spanish.

We Expanded Our Spanish Course!

by Lingvist Team | Oct 15, 2018 | New

Our Spanish course has expanded, with almost 2000 more words and sentences to learn from.

We’re Refreshing the Look of the App!

by Lingvist Studio | Mar 16, 2018

Find out more on improvements to the look and feel of the Lingvist app!

Kick off with Talking Football for German!

by Team Lingvist | Mar 2, 2018

Football is as much a part of the German-speaking world as bureaucracy and Bier. Kick off with Talking Football for German!

Concentrate your learning with Course Focus

by Team Lingvist | Mar 2, 2018

Introducing Course Focus for our Lingvist subscription!

5 Language Learning Challenges Living Abroad

by Natali Lekka | Feb 20, 2018 | Learn

Are you living abroad and trying to learn the local language? Here are some strategies for common challenges that you might encounter while living abroad.

4 Benefits to Learning a Language with Your Partner

by Jennifer Geacone-Cruz | Feb 13, 2018 | Learn

Learning a language with a study buddy is always a plus, but how can it benefit your relationship? It could be the best thing you could do with a special someone.

Is There a Map for Learning a Language?

by Team Lingvist | Feb 10, 2018

How Lingvist’s Knowledge Mapping Engine puts you on the path to your best language learning

How to Make the Most of Your Spanish Challenges

by Javier | Feb 2, 2018 | Learn-spanish

We have created the first batch of exercises, which will help you review the contents of the first 1000 cards of our English to Spanish course. Make the most of the Challenges section at Lingvist!

French Dictionaries

by Hilary | Oct 21, 2017 | Learn-french

Looking for some French dictionaries to help you with your French language learning? Here are our two favorite.

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