French Friendship Quotes from Poems and Proverbs | Lingvist
by Michelle Baumgartner |
Mar 20, 2023
| Learn-french
French friendship quotes from idioms, poetry, proverbs, literature, and films can help you find just the right words to express your amicable feelings.

Unique Québécois French Words and Expressions | Lingvist
by Michelle Baumgartner |
Mar 17, 2023
| Learn-french
Québécois French represents a unique mixture of history, geography, and culture, enriching the francophone world with its vibrant expressions.

Discover French Dialects Throughout the World
by Michelle Baumgartner |
Feb 28, 2023
| Learn-french
French dialects show the diversity of French as a global language, connecting people and ideas from many countries and cultures.

8 of the best films to improve your French
by Michelle Baumgartner |
Jan 18, 2023
| Learn-french
Become more fluent in French with some of the best films in French from around the world. Get the popcorn ready and enjoy!

13 Practical Tips for Learning French
by Jennifer Geacone-Cruz |
Dec 8, 2020
| Learn-french
Find 13 practical tips here on how to learn French with confidence and overcome your fears (and the language) in the process. Check them out!

French-Speaking Countries
by Aubrie Amstutz |
Feb 25, 2020
| Learn-french
French is spoken on 5 continents and in 29 countries, making it one of the most important and popular second languages to learn.

French Dictionaries
by Hilary |
Oct 21, 2017
| Learn-french
Looking for some French dictionaries to help you with your French language learning? Here are our two favorite.

Avis vs Opinion in French
by Amaud T. |
May 5, 2017
| Learn-french
What the difference in meaning and usage between "avis" and "opinion" in French?

France24 Free 24 Hour News Service
by Saoirse A. |
Nov 12, 2016
| Learn-french
Learn about France24, an amazing resource if you are learning French!

4 Tips to Learning French in Record Time
Dec 22, 2015
| Learn-french
Do you feel overwhelmed learning French? Perhaps you even had a minor anxiety attack? We've all been there.

10 Local Sayings from French-Speaking Countries
Sep 14, 2015
| Learn-french
French speakers often use proverbs, sayings and expressions in the everyday's life. To make sure you don't get lost in translation, here is a selection of some local idioms from French speaking areas!

Do You Know These 10 “New” French Words?
Apr 23, 2015
| Learn-french
We have prepared a short compilation of the new “official” words in French, which have been added to dictionaries over the last few years, along with their meanings!

5 Mistakes French People Always Make
Mar 30, 2015
| Learn-french
You may have been learning French for a few weeks now. Or maybe you are just planning to start. Either way, you might be afraid of practicing your speaking skills; afraid of making mistakes.

It’s Francophonie Day !
Mar 20, 2015
| Learn-french
Today, on March 20, is the official International Francophonie Day. It should be easy to find various events to learn more about the French culture or exchange thoughts with French speakers.

Learn 1000 French Words in Just 14 Hours
Mar 9, 2015
| Learn-french
In December we asked an unsuspecting member of the public, Kristel, 28, to try out Lingvist for 2 weeks and tell us how it improved her French. The results were breathtaking.

Day 14: French Experiment Done!
Dec 16, 2014
| Learn-french
Kristel has finished her 14 day French experiement with Lingvist. Find out more about her experience!