New Essential Estonian
by Team Lingvist |
Jul 4, 2017
| New
Lingvist's Special Edition introductory Estonian course celebrates the culture of Estonia for its 100th birthday!

What Is the Difference Between Próximo vs. Siguiente?
by Team Lingvist |
Jun 21, 2017
| Learn-spanish
Both proximo and siguiente can be translated as "next". So how can you tell which one you can use? Our linguist explains.

Easy Spanish Grammar: The Past
by Javier |
May 18, 2017
| Learn-spanish
This post is devoted to past tenses in Spanish and their (closest) equivalents in English. Are you ready to continue improving your Spanish with us

Level Up Your TOEIC® Score Fast with Lingvist!
May 15, 2017
| New
We're thrilled to announce our new TOEIC® courses, in partnership with Rakuten Super English! Get your best TOEIC® score, faster and more efficiently!

Avis vs Opinion in French
by Amaud T. |
May 5, 2017
| Learn-french
What the difference in meaning and usage between "avis" and "opinion" in French?

How Has Brexit Affected Language Learning in the UK?
by Team Lingvist |
May 5, 2017
| Science
Brexit is causing some surprising trends for Brits learning languages.

Ser Estar Specific Uses
by Javi |
Mar 24, 2017
| Learn-spanish
Learn the most important specific uses for the Spanish verbs ser and estar so you sound more like a native!

Time to Learn 2000 Foreign Words
by Mikk Tõnissoo |
Mar 15, 2017
| Science
How long does it really take to learn 2000 words? Lingvist’s Data Scientist, Mikk took a deeper look at some learning data and has some surprising answers!

Ser Estar Descriptions
by Javi |
Mar 6, 2017
Learn how to deal with ser vs estar when it comes to descriptions. A great explaination for Spanish grammar that is easy to understand!

Neutral Spanish at Lingvist
by Javier |
Feb 21, 2017
| Learn-spanish
Find out more about Neutral Spanish, which is offered at Lingvist, what this is and why it will help you speak Spanish no matter where you are in the world.

Don't Forget to Give Your Mother Language a Hug!
Feb 21, 2017
| Learn
On why our mother languages are so important for learning other languages

Easy Spanish Grammar for English Speakers: The Present
by Javier |
Feb 16, 2017
| Learn-spanish
Learn how to use the present tense properly in Spanish with this easy Spanish grammar for English speakers post!

Lingvist’s Improved Milestones Mean More Motivation!
Feb 16, 2017
| New
We here at Lingvist get a really special view into how people learn with us, and nothing makes us more...

говорила or сказала
by Sabina |
Jan 27, 2017
| Learn-russian
One of our users asked a very good question about our card Я же говорила. But why not сказала? Read the full explanation on using говорила or сказала.

Where Do These Words Come From?
by Joyce |
Jan 17, 2017
| Learn
Do you know where these words come from? Guess and see how accurate you are (without using Google to cheat!)

Listening Exercises for German
by Hilary St Jonn |
Jan 17, 2017
| Learn-german
Listening to German is a powerful way to supplement learning German with Lingvist. Here is a list of videos, podcasts and more, in German, that you can use to advance your listening comprehension skills.

German Dictionaries
by Hilary |
Jan 17, 2017
| Learn-german
Learning German? Here are a list of German language dictionaries and resources that you may find useful!

4 Steps to Better Habit Building for Language Learning
Dec 30, 2016
| Learn
It might seem like a no-brainer, but one of the most important keys to successfully and effectively learning a language...

Great Collection of Bilingual Books
by Lingvist Community |
Dec 20, 2016
| Learn
Reading is key to learning any language. Find some resources our community put together for reading in a foreign language.

Where to Learn Advanced English in English
by Hilary |
Dec 16, 2016
| Learn
Are you an intermediate English learner who is looking to leve up your English? Our community members recommend the following for Advanced English in English.

Spanish Radio Stations
by Billetedeida |
Nov 20, 2016
| Learn-spanish
If you are learning Spanish, this list of Spanish radio stations might be useful to you. Come check it out and sign up for the Spanish course with Lingvist!