Verbos preposicionales en inglés: Parte 3

Seguro que entender el inglés ya no es un problema para ti; sin embargo, si no sabes qué paso tomar para pulir el idioma: ¡esta es la respuesta! Aprender los verbos preposicionales te hará sonar más como un nativo y menos como alguien que simplemente ha aprendido en una academia, y te ayudarán a avanzar con tu aprendizaje de inglés en línea.

Esta es la forma en la que se comunican los anglohablantes cada día y la lista de verbos preposicionales que te dejamos a continuación son frases que son usadas de manera cotidiana. Teniendo esto en cuenta, es posible que sea la pieza que falte en tu rompecabezas mental del inglés.

Dicho esto, sigues de suerte porque en Lingvist hemos preparado una tercera parte con 8 de los verbos preposicionales más usados, cada uno con ejemplos de cómo emplearlos, que te serán de utilidad para comunicarte hablando inglés como un nativo en tu día a día. 

Si te perdiste la primera y segunda parte de los verbos preposicionales en inglés, las puedes encontrar por aquí:

Verbos Preposicionales en Inglés: Primera Parte

Verbos Preposicionales en Inglés: Segunda Parte


Lista de verbos preposicionales en inglés

Come out 

Come out (Volverse conocido. Referente a información). It came out in conversation that she was working with the NGO to provide clean water to communities in third-world countries.

Come out (Aparecer). His son’s first baby hairs came out recently. 

Come out (Ser eliminado o removido). My sister tried all night to remove the wine stain from her white dress, but it wouldn’t come out. 

Come out (La forma en la que un comentario es percibido). I didn’t mean to come out as mean when saying that. 

Come out (Cuando algún contenido se hace disponible). Luis Miguel’s new album will come out this weekend – I am so excited!

Come out (Aparecer en el cielo). The sun will come out very soon, but the lovers, in a selfish act, will keep the night going for many more hours.

Come out (Referente a una fotografía). Jasmine, you are really amazing at taking pictures: the ones you took of Dani and me came out great. 

Come out (Tener un resultado particular). Let’s see what result will come out. I have faith in today’s elections.

Come out (Notar o ser percibido). Her vicious side comes out when she is angry.

Come out (Declarar algo oficialmente). The government came out against the riots.

Come out (Llegar desde muy lejos). My husband is coming out for our anniversary. 

Come out (Referente a flores). So if a flower opens, it comes out.

Come out (Dejar de trabajar para protestar). The airport workers will come out on a strike next Monday.

Come out (Referente a las preferencia sexuales). My cousin came out as bisexual and the family took it really well.

Come out (Formar parte de la sociedad. Esto aplica para las mujeres jóvenes en la clase alta). My coming out ceremony will be beautiful – I got the most stunning dress you can imagine.

Come on 

Come on (Desarrollar o progresar). The investigation for my Ph.D. is coming on better than expected. / My English has come on since I started using Custom Decks in the Lingvist app.

Come on (Referente a cosas eléctricas que se encienden). I heard the stereo come on in the living room last night around 10 pm. Were you listening to music there? 

Come on (Caminar en el escenario). Charles lost it when his favorite artist came onto the stage that night

Come on (Referente a una enfermedad). I can feel how my stomach pain is coming on.

Come on! (Exclamación para alentar o apurar). Come on! We are going to be the last people to get there. Hurry up! / Come on! You can do it; I believe in you.

Come on (Exclamación para representar duda o falta de confianza). Come on, you obviously made that up.

Come in

Come in (Ingresar). Come in and make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back in a second.

Come in (Llegar). When did you say that the bus will come in?

Come in (Ser recibido). The message that came in this morning said that the government approved an enormous budget to invest in renewable energies. 

Come in (Ir al trabajo). Paula won’t be able to come in today, as her daughter is feeling unwell.

Come in (Referente al dinero). I have a transfer coming in soon, so count me in for the trip

Come in (Referente a un trabajador que va a tu casa). The guy from the internet company will come in tomorrow.

Come in (Empezar a ser usado o hecho). The new law came in today, so we need to adapt.

Come in (Cuando el mar sube). When the tide comes in, the sea moves higher up the beach.

Come in (Unirse a la conversación). Since I am the marketing specialist, I would like to come in and say that I am very proud of the team for the results of this campaign.

Come in (Involucrarse). I would like to come in on the project as well.

Come in (Ponte de moda). High-waisted jeans coming in was the best thing that happened in modern fashion history.

Come in (Terminar una carrera). I came in second, but I still got a prize. 

Go down

Go down (Hundirse o ir hacia abajo). Go down the street and get a pair of tomatoes for me, please. / The Titanic went down.

Go down (Volverse menor). The housing prices surprisingly went down this summer.

Go down (Ser recordado). David will go down as the best teacher in the world.

Go down (Hacer que la gente reaccione). The announcement did not go down very well with the stakeholders.

Go down (Tragar comida o bebida). I ate the food so quickly that I can feel it going down my stomach. 

Go down (Viajar al sur). Time to go down to the beach with my favorite people in the world!

Go down (Ser derrotado). America went down 3–1 to the English team.

Go down (Referente a aparatos electrónicos que dejan de funcionar). If something such as a computer or an electrical system goes down, it stops working for a period of time.

Go down (Referente a luces menos brillantes). In the cinema now, the lights just went down; I will call you when the movie is over.

Go down (Empeorar). Everything went down when I started screaming, and now the relationship is over.

Go down (Suceder). I was gone when the party went down

Go down (Ir a prisión). I swear to God you are going down; prison will be your new home.

Go down (Bajar del vehículo). I will go down the bus at the next stop.

Go down (Sobre astros). It gets colder when the sun goes down.

Go down can also have sexual connotations. 

Verbos preposicionales en inglés

Work out

Work out (Resolver un problema). Don’t worry about it – we will work out the situation.

Work out (Como termina algo). In the end, it worked out very well.

Work out (Conseguir hacer algo). The new environmental law is working out.

Work out (Referente a una cantidad, costo o valor). The payment works out to about US $500 a month.

Work out (Hacer ejercicio físico). I started working out at the gym yesterday.

Work out (Entender a alguien o algo). It’s so easy for me to work her out.

Set out

Set out (Iniciar un viaje). The travelers decided to rest for the night. The next day they will set out again.

Set out (Explicar, describir u organizar algo de manera clara y detallada, especialmente por escrito). In her diary she set out her plan for her solo trip.

Set out (Poner algo donde se pueda ver o usar). Angela set out the TV yesterday, so now we can use it.

Set out (Comenzar a hacer o trabajar en algo para lograr un objetivo). They set out everything to work on their final project before presenting it to the client.

Take up

Take up (Empezar a hacer algo nuevo. Por ejemplo: Un hábito, un trabajo o similares). I took up morning yoga when I realized the morning routine was the most important part of being productive.  

Take up (Usar espacio o tiempo). Learning a new language takes up part of your time and it is 100% worth it.

Take up (Aceptar una oferta). Have you thought about taking up that job offer in London?

Take up (Hacer algo más corto). Your black pants are really long for you. I will take them up tomorrow.

Take up (Seguir lidiando con algo). I’m going to take up what Stella was saying a few minutes ago and add something I think it’s important to consider in this scenario.

Get back

Get back (Volver al lugar). I’ll get back home soon, but first I will have another glass of wine

Get back (Recibir o tener algo de nuevo). I lost my wallet at the congress and I am looking for it, but I don’t know if I will ever get it back. / I got my girlfriend back after we had that fight in Dubai. 

Get back (Lastimar a alguien que te ha lastimado). Some people say that “if someone plays you, you have to get back at them harder.” 

Get back (Volver al estado anterior). If you don’t mind, I’ve been running errands all day and I will get back to sleep. You can tell me all about it tomorrow. 

Get back (empezar a hacer algo de nuevo). I have to go now. I finally got back to music and we are recording a new album in the building down the street. It was lovely seeing you

Get back (alejarse del peligro). The policeman was screaming “Get back” at the people that were trying to see the house that was on fire.

Aprende verbos preposicionales en inglés con Lingvist

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