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Get access to AI-powered language learning, smart algorithms, and the most advanced technologycheckedcheckedchecked
Learn 50+ languages faster than ever before, with more to come!checkedcheckedchecked
Learn relevant vocabulary for everyday situationscheckedcheckedchecked
Track your progress with detailed insightscheckedcheckedchecked
Create your own vocabulary deck with Custom Deckscheckedcheckedchecked
A dedicated account manager to support you every step of the waychecked
Request customized vocabulary courses specific to your industrychecked
Customer Supportcheckedcheckedchecked

AnnualBest value!

Try Lingvist free before you subscribe
Get access to AI-powered language learning, smart algorithms, and the most advanced technology
Learn 50+ languages faster than ever before, with more to come!
Learn relevant vocabulary for everyday situations
Track your progress with detailed insights
Create your own vocabulary deck with Custom Decks
A dedicated account manager to support you every step of the way
Request customized vocabulary courses specific to your industry
Customer Support


Try Lingvist free before you subscribe
Get access to AI-powered language learning, smart algorithms, and the most advanced technology
Learn 50+ languages faster than ever before, with more to come!
Learn relevant vocabulary for everyday situations
Track your progress with detailed insights
Create your own vocabulary deck with Custom Decks
A dedicated account manager to support you every step of the way
Request customized vocabulary courses specific to your industry
Customer Support

Lingvist for Business

Try Lingvist free before you subscribe
Get access to AI-powered language learning, smart algorithms, and the most advanced technology
Learn 50+ languages faster than ever before, with more to come!
Learn relevant vocabulary for everyday situations
Track your progress with detailed insights
Create your own vocabulary deck with Custom Decks
A dedicated account manager to support you every step of the way
Request customized vocabulary courses specific to your industry
Customer Support
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Is Lingvist free?

  • Lingvist is a subscription based app. However, there’s a trial period that comes at no cost when you choose the 12-month subscription.

Do I have to pay for the free trial?

  • No, we won’t charge you for the period of the free trial.

What happens if I cancel during the free trial?

  • You can use Lingvist for the remainder of the free trial.
  • Cancel the free trial before it ends and you will not get charged.
  • If you cancel within the 24-hour period before your trial ends (or later) it will stop your subscription from auto-renewing in the future.

Will I be charged right away?

  • If you select a plan with a trial, your payment method will be billed in the 24-hour window before your trial expires.

Does my subscription auto-renew?

  • Yes. Any renewal will be billed in the 24-hour window before the end of the current subscription.
  • You can disable auto-renewal at any time by going to Account>Subscriptions.

Why do I need to give you my payment details for a “free” trial?

  • Our subscriptions are auto-renewing. The free trial is a free subscription for a reduced period of time at zero cost and as such, we need payment details to be able to trigger the next payment automatically in the future.

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