Frequently Asked Questions

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I bought it but I changed my mind. I want a refund!

If you bought a subscription and changed your mind, or if you forgot to cancel your subscription and would like to get your money back, please refer to the information below on how to file a refund request.

Please note that:

  • Refunds will not be issued after 14 calendar days of your original purchase.
  • A full refund is not guaranteed, as a transaction fee may be charged.

See our Terms of Service for more information.

On Apple App Store

In the most recent version of the registration process, you must choose a subscription plan before receiving your free trial. If you do not cancel your subscription before the free trial ends, you will be charged automatically.

To request a refund, please send your request directly to Apple Support.

For more information, please refer to this article.

On Google Play Store

In the most recent version of the registration process, you must choose a subscription plan before receiving your free trial. If you do not cancel your subscription before the free trial ends, you will be charged automatically.

To request a refund, please reach out to our Support team and share a receipt of your purchase, which should contain a GPA number provided by Google Play Store, along with your Lingvist account email address. Don’t forget to cancel your subscription!

You can also request a refund directly from Google Play: here’s how.

On our website

To request a refund, reach out to our Support team and please include the payment confirmation email that you received from us, along with your Lingvist account email address. Don’t forget to cancel your subscription!

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