Frequently Asked Questions

Quickly search our FAQ to find the answer to our most commonly asked questions so you can get back to language learning.

What does it mean to have “learned words” in Lingvist?

What counts as “a word”?

  • Each card tests your knowledge of a word;
  • A word can be presented in multiple example sentences;
  • All words in Lingvist have a unique spelling (We don’t currently teach multiple homographs, i.e. “bat,” the nocturnal animal, and “to bat” a baseball).
  • One word is a word form: this means that a singular noun, a plural noun, and declined adjectives are all counted as a unique word.
  • We usually limit our courses to the most frequent three word forms to ensure that you learn a variety of lemmas and get the most out of Lingvist.

What do you mean by “Total words”?

This simply means that they have appeared in your practice, and you have tried to answer the card at least once.

What do you mean by “Words mastered”?

Under “Active words”, you can see the number of “Words mastered”.

When you answer certain cards correctly and consecutively, our algorithm will detect that you have memorized these words and they are now in your long-term memory.

Our system will then consider these words as “mastered,” while the repetition frequency will decrease. You will only need to review “mastered” words once in a while. Note that this number will decrease over time if they are not revised on schedule. If you don’t repeat words for a few months or years, you will naturally forget some of them – this will also be reflected in the forgetting curves we have from each user, and the number of words that you can remember will decrease.

Generally, the number of “Total words” will be greater than the “Words mastered”.

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