Verb Phrases

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Learn common Spanish verb phrases with this deck
Words in this deck: 80 Last updated: 2024-06-17
Spanish (Europe) English
acercarse a
Se apartó de sus amigos de siempre para acercarse a nuevas amistades en la ciudad.
to approach
He moved away from his old friends to make new friends in the city.
acostumbrarse a
Le fue fácil acostumbrarse a la nueva ciudad, pero al final lo consiguió.
to get used to
It took him a while to get used to the new city, but in the end he managed to do it.
animarse a
Debe animarse a los estudiantes a buscar experiencias en otros países.
to be encouraged to
Students should be encouraged to seek experiences in other countries.
aprender a
Tuvo que aprender a hablar el idioma local para poder relacionarse con sus vecinos.
to learn to
He had to learn to speak the local language in order to interact with his neighbours.
asistir a
Debemos asistir a tres seminarios para obtener la certificación completa.
to attend
We must attend three seminars to obtain full certification.
atreverse a
Luis ha sido el primero en atreverse a decir la verdad en frente de todo el mundo.
to dare to
Luis has been the first to dare to speak the truth in front of everyone.