Le passé composé

About this deck
A short course about the passé composé
Words in this deck: 68 Last updated: 2023-04-06
French English
a eu
Elle a eu un enfant.
(she) had
She had a child.
ai vu
Je n'ai vu personne.
(I) saw
I didn't see anybody.
a pris
Il a pris un forfait téléphonique illimité.
(he) took
He took an unlimited telephone package.
ai pu
J'ai pu faire ce travail grâce à son aide.
(I) was able to
I was able to do this job thanks to his help.
êtes sortis
Vous êtes sortis ce week-end ?
(you) went out
Did you go out this weekend?
a donné
Il m'a donné 10 euros.
(he) gave
He gave me ten euros.